Profiling of Toll-like Receptors and Related Signaling Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Morphea
Morphea, localized scleroderma, Toll-like receptors, TLR, Growth factorsAbstract
Introduction: Morphea, also known as localized scleroderma, is a rare fibrosing inflammatory disease of unknown pathogenesis.
Objectives: Although the genetic basis for morphea is important, the evaluation of Toll-like receptors (TLR) in this disease is quite limited. We aimed to evaluate TLR expression levels and serum IL-6, IL-17A, TGF-b1, FGF, and VEGF levels in patients with morphea, and compare these results with healthy controls.
Methods: The expression levels of TLRs in the lesional and non-lesional adjacent skin of patients with morphea, and normal skin of healthy controls were evaluated by RT-PCR whereas serum levels of IL-6, IL-17A, TGF-b1, FGF, and VEGF were evaluated by ELISA.
Results: Based on our findings, TLR1 gene expression increased 34.3-fold in the lesional skin of patients with morphea. In addition, IL-6, IL-17A, TGF-β, FGF and VEGF were found to be higher in the blood samples of the patient group than in the healthy group.
Conclusion: TLRs are important parts of the pathogenesis of morphea, and a better understanding of it will lead to more directed and effective treatments. We believe that this study will be important for pioneering TLR-targeted therapeutic approaches in the treatment of morphea in the future.
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